
Winter Clothes Color Matching Game

Winter Clothes Color Matching Game
Winter Clothes Color Matching Game
Winter Clothes Color Matching Game - Image 2
Winter Clothes Color Matching Game - Image 3
Winter Clothes Color Matching Game - Image 4
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The educational game «Winter Clothes» is designed for children to learn colors and develop attention, logic and fine motor skills. The task is to determine the color of the clothes on the cards.

Print the template of an activity with clothespins and cut out the cards with winter clothes. We recommend using clothespins to indicate the answer. This will help develop the child's fine motor skills.

Ask your child to choose one of the cards, look carefully at the picture, and name what it shows. The child must then identify the color of the garment and choose a button of the same color from the three choices at the bottom of the card. To indicate the answer, place a clothespin on the corresponding cell or mark the answer with a pen.

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