
Seasons Matching Activity

Seasons Matching Activity
Seasons Matching Activity
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 2
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 3
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 4
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 5
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 6
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 7
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 8
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 9
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 10
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 11
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 12
Seasons Matching Activity - Image 13

Printable indoor activity Seasonal Clothespin Matching Sheets is to learn seasons - summer, autumn, winter, and spring - and their features and attributes.

Print free worksheets, then cut out flashcards and put them face down. A child takes a card, tells what season it is and fix a clothespin onto the appropriate image on the bottom of the card. After that, let a child explain the choice. Discuss together, what phenomena could be met at several seasons (e.g. rain or sun).

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Manaz Hamada
تنمي العقل
M. Jovita
Just great😉 thank you!
Puikios priemonėms metų laikams pažinti.
Amira Hassan
Very useful
Hetija Baltiņa
nice picture, only i can't give for all children.
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Sigmund Freud
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Perfeito! Adoro os materiais.
Devanshi Parekh