
Earth Day Puzzle Game

Earth Day Puzzle Game
Earth Day Puzzle Game
Earth Day Puzzle Game - Image 2
Earth Day Puzzle Game - Image 3

Learning game Earth Day Patches is to develop fine motor skills, attention to details, concentration ability and logical thinking by children at preschool age. The task is to put game elements on their places and complete the picture.

Print activity sheets on the topic Earth Day and cut out round game elements. Then let a child carefully look at the picture with the Earth and ask to put missing parts on their places to complete the picture. While playing, talk about importance of nature protection and possible ways to do it. Such conversation improves kid's speaking skills.

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Natalia Koulemina
Thank you for this fun material! My kids love patches!
Sanja Majic
very nice activity for concetration and developing attention for details, important for developin pre-writing sklis., cute pictures, motivating for kids.
thank you for sharing
Ro Sarturi
Adorei a atividade de discriminação visual!!
This activity is so much fun
Besten Zineb
Tansev Kurt
Geliştirici teşekkürler :)