
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten

Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten - Image 2
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten - Image 3
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten - Image 4
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten - Image 5
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten - Image 6
Color Matching Worksheets for Kindergarten - Image 7
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Free printable worksheets «Colors» for kindergarten are meant to learn colors with children and develop their color perception and attentiveness. The game task is to sort objects by matching colors.

Print out color matching worksheets for kindergarten and cut out all the game cards with objects. Then ask your child to place cards to their places on the playfield, depending on their color.

To develop speaking skills, ask your child to name all the items that are shown on the cards and what color they have.

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its perfect for my kids
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