
Template «Christmas Boxes»

Template «Christmas Boxes»
Template «Christmas Boxes»
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 2
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 3
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 4
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 5
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 6
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 7
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 8
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 9
Template «Christmas Boxes» - Image 10
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Create Christmas and New Year gift boxes with your own hands using our colorful free templates. You can put sweets or other small gifts into gift boxes. It will be a unique handiwork for your gifts to friend and family members.

Print templates and cut them along the contour. Then fold the paper using dotted lines and fix edges with a glue.

This is a fun-learning activity that prepares children to calligraphic handwriting and develops their fine motor skills.

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Szalay Miklos
Ioana Cojo
mariana lesiv
Beautiful idea! Thanks.
mariana lesiv
That amazing😍
hanmin chang
this is good ideal for christmas
Amira Hassan