
House Pattern Activity

House Pattern Activity
House Pattern Activity
House Pattern Activity - Image 2
House Pattern Activity - Image 3
House Pattern Activity - Image 4
House Pattern Activity - Image 5
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Educational game House is meant to develop fine motor skills, memory and spatial intelligence of children at preschool age. The task is to place houses on the playfield according to the given pattern.

Print preschool activity sheets and cut out pattern cards and houses. There are two types of patterns: fully completed and uncompleted. Ask your child to take a pattern card and to place houses on the playfield according to this pattern.

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Які молодці!!! Який цікавий матеріал)))) Дякую
Ieva Tondeļe
Thanks. Realy good games.
Anastasia Doroshenko
Cláudia Maria Tobler Bennett
Adorei! Vou usar com meus alunos.
Samia Sayadi
Thanks a lot!
Super pomysł na zabawę. Rozwija pamięć, koncentrację, orientację w przestrzeni, ale również można utrwalać kolory czy przeliczać. Dziękuję
Muchas gracias!