Number Identification Worksheets

Number Identification Worksheets
Number Identification Worksheets
Number Identification Worksheets - Image 2
Number Identification Worksheets - Image 3
Number Identification Worksheets - Image 4
Number Identification Worksheets - Image 5
Number Identification Worksheets - Image 6
Number Identification Worksheets - Image 7

Number identification worksheets for preschoolers are designed to improve fine motor skills, attention, spatial orientation and color perception. The game task is to arrange squares according to the colors given in the number pattern.

Print out the worksheets, select one of the three color palettes and cut out the 4-colors patterns. First, ask your child to look at the palette colors and name them.

Then, look at the sheet with number patterns and point out that each color has a particular number. Invite your child to match each numbers pattern to its colored version. The child will need to be very careful and if needed, rotate the color patterns to complete the task.

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