
Fruit Hats Matching Game

Fruit Hats Matching Game
Fruit Hats Matching Game
Fruit Hats Matching Game - Image 2
Fruit Hats Matching Game - Image 3
Fruit Hats Matching Game - Image 4
Fruit Hats Matching Game - Image 5

Fun educational game «Fruit Hats» is designed for children to improve their logic, attention and associative thinking, as well as hand-eye coordination. The task is to assemble a small puzzle of two pieces.

Print out the game sheets, cut out the cards with the babies and the half cards with the fruit and vegetable «hats». Then ask your child to pick a card and find the matching half-card. To develop speaking skills, talk about which fruits and vegetables are shown in the matching cards, are they sweet / sour / bitter / tasty / not tasty?

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Khadija Amin
Very informative and helpful game
Aline Menezes
Material de excelente qualidade.
Aline Menezes
material maravilhoso, permite uma ótima interação com as crianças.
really funny!
Cute and interesting
Very cute and fun and super useful for kids
Fernanda Lima
Laurence LONCKE
Ces fichiers sont géniaux, merci beaucoup !
Маша Заблоцька
cool game
Prof Tatiane Giroldo
Todos os materiais são de excelente qualidade, as crianças aprendem brincando!