Sorting Worksheet Refregirator or Shelf

The educational fridge sorting game for children 3-4 years old «Refrigerator or Shelf?» will help the kids learn to sort food products depending on the method of storage. The task will enrich the vocabulary while discussing each product on the sheets and teach the child to categorize the objects and work with groups.
Print out the game set in PDF format and cut out the products according to the outline. The purpose of the game is to arrange the food on the shelves of the refrigerator and the kitchen cupboard. Name the foods on the sheets and explain to your child why some foods should be kept in the refrigerator and others can be placed on the shelf. By playing the game, children will understand the difference between foods and the way they are stored. For children 2-3 years old, choose the sheets with accompanying correct silhouettes, and for preschoolers 4-6 years old, print blank templates, which will be more difficult to work with the objects.