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Bee and Honeycomb Activity for Kids

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Learning activity Bee and Honeycomb suits well to develop spatial reasoning, concentration and logical thinking. The task is to put cards with bees according to a given pattern.
The game set consists of a playing field, cards with bees and patterns with arrows. Print activity sheets and cut out cards. Then ask a child to take one of the patterns and put cards with bees according to the pattern.
These printable preschool activity sheets are convenient for kindergarten lessons and home learning.
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Very useful activity...It will help me introduce my children to beebot activities, after exercising directions in a funny way...


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Bu etkinlik harika

Мы дуже вам вдячні, що ви даєте можливість діткам розвиватися.

Nice method to learn direction

Bravo, my kid has learn alot. Danke ma friend

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