
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids

Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 2
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 3
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 4
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 5
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 6
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 7
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 8
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 9
Tracing Shapes Worksheet for Kids - Image 10
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Graphomotor worksheets Tracing Shapes for preschoolers are meant to learn to draw basic shapes and prepare hand to a future writing. The task is to draw shapes align dash lines and then color them.

Print free pre-writing activity sheets for lessons at home or in kindergarten. For smaller children, we recommend using bright felt pens, in order to make drawing easier and the final picture more attractive and colorful. While doing the task, discuss together, what objects around us have these shapes.

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Amaro Omena
Esta é uma ótima atividade para ensinar rastreamento e as habilidades motoras finas para crianças pequenas e especiais como os autistas não verbais.
Lucia Avram
Excellent for pre-writing activities!
Ieva Tondeļe
Good work.
Fajna pomoc!
Amira Hassan
Надія Литовченко
Чудова гра
Very helpful for learning the shapes
Y Park
nice variety of shapes
samia touami
Dubravka Nikolic
Fenomenalno za vežbu :)