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Christmas Homework for Kindergarten

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The set of educational homework worksheets for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills, reasoning, logic, attention, and memory. The set consists of worksheets that vary in type and complexity.
Print out the set of Christmas homework sheets for preschoolers and get pens and pencils. The set is perfect for organizing free time activities with preschoolers.
The set of worksheets consists of 8 different tasks:
- Match by shadow. Match the objects in the left and right columns and connect the pairs.
- Count to 5. Children are asked to count the number of objects on the cards and choose one of the answers given.
- Match by Color. Children are asked to match the pairs of Santa and his sack by color. Objects of the same color should be connected by a line.
- Draw a snowman. Preschoolers are asked to carefully draw a snowman along the dotted line. The picture can then be colored.
- Find the Odd One Out. There is one object in each row that is different from the others. The child should find it and circle it.
- Draw a Christmas tree. The task is to connect the dots from 1 to 10 to draw a Christmas tree.
- Draw lines. Draw the ornament of the Christmas balls along the dotted lines and then color the balls.
- Match the Outline. Your students should look carefully at the left column of colored pictures and match each one to the corresponding outline in the right column.
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Amei!! As crianças vão adorar!! Muito obrigada.

We love it, my students love Christmas


helpful for brain development

Merci pour tout ce travail

Very intersting activity for kids

Uma atividade perfeita para explorar a temática do Natal, aumentar vocabulário! Além disso, tarefas que permitem explorar a motricidade fina e percepção visual.

Really it's amazing with minimum amount we are getting more sheets

Merci pour ces fichiers vraiment parfaits !

Mulțumesc. Drăguț.