
Building Tools Shadow Matching Game

Building Tools Shadow Matching Game
Building Tools Shadow Matching Game
Building Tools Shadow Matching Game - Image 2
Building Tools Shadow Matching Game - Image 3
Building Tools Shadow Matching Game - Image 4

Educational game for children of 2–4 years old Building Tools get to learn preschoolers with the job of housebuilder and his professional equipment and tools. The task is to match tools with their shadows.

Print free learning materials and cut out colored tools. First name each tool and discuss with a child what for it is used. Then ask a child to find the right place for each tool and put them on their places in a tool box.

This printable board game develops fine motor skills, attention and enriches vocabulary.

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Iva Radošić
This is awesome
it is very good
Samia Sayadi
super fun worksheet! Thanks a lot!
Özge Bulut
çok güzel teşekkürler
Very good!
I love it!
One of the best worksheets! My son loves it
Bonito material
Very useful activity
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