
Connect the Dots by Color Pattern Activity

Connect the Dots by Color Pattern Activity
Connect the Dots by Color Pattern Activity
Connect the Dots by Color Pattern Activity - Image 2
Connect the Dots by Color Pattern Activity - Image 3
Connect the Dots by Color Pattern Activity - Image 4
Connect the Dots by Color Pattern Activity - Image 5

Connect the Dots worksheets help preschoolers develop pre-writing skills and practice memory, logic, and attention. The task is to connect the dots in the correct order according to the color and number patterns at the top of the worksheet.

Print out the worksheets and have a pencil or marker ready. Draw your child's attention to the numbered circles at the top of the page. Each color has a specific number and the student must connect the color circles accordingly. There is one example and the rest is for the child to complete.

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thank you very much
Duda Nikolic
Rhank you , we love this game🙂
Agnieszka Tarcz
Świetny pomysł na rozwój samodzielnego myślenia
Patricia Alexandra
atividade que permite trabalhar sequenciação de cores, perceção visual, motricidade fina..
Azila Rahim
Thankfully 💕
pracownia komputerowa
Bardzo dobrze rozwija koncentrację uwagi. Lubię takie zadania.
Naka Naka
Świetny pomysł na rozwijanie umiejętności matematycznych i percepcji wzrokowej
Alicia A.R
I find this worksheet a way to move foward with the children when they already have acquired the numbers from 1 to 5 and you want to bring them a bit more challenge. Also, it is great for their fine motor!