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Math Flashcards for Matching Game Count the Leaves

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This learning numbers assignment for preschoolers Counting Leaves will help to strengthen the skill of counting to 10. Print out the free material and cut into separate cards that show a certain number of autumn leaves from 0 to 10.
Each math flash card consists of two elements: a number and the corresponding number of leaves. Following the dotted line, cut the cards into two parts and then invite your child to connect the elements. The child should count the number of leaves and find the number that corresponds to the quantity. If the counting is wrong, the elements will not fit together correctly, so count again more carefully.
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Thanks for the information, I have been looking for educational materials for children for a long time, finally I found here that I was interested in developing tasks, interesting materials for the development of a child on any topic and exciting pastime. There are a lot of skills in a playful way that will help the child develop speech, memory and thinking.

Super, colorat, fain!!!

Дякую за таку гарну платформу. Завжди є щось нове та цікаве для роботи, що значно полегшує приготування до уроку..

Good game. Thanks.

A very interesting activity for my classroom's math corner!

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