Fun Math Puzzle for Kids

Free printable math puzzles for Kindergarten «Autumn Math Puzzle» will show preschoolers that solving examples is not boring, but fascinating. In the task the child needs to cope with 16 problems to collect a puzzle with an autumn colorful illustration.
First of all, you need to print a free PDF file and glue the sheets with the landscape with animals (sheet 2) and examples (sheet 3) to make double-sided cards when cut into separate elements. The resulting cards should be flipped picture side down. There are only two types of tasks:
- solve a math example of addition or subtraction;
- identify the color of a black and white object, e.g., a Christmas tree is green or a strawberry is red.
After solving the task on the card, the child should turn it over and put it on the field with the answers (sheet 1). For example, choose the card «1+8», get the answer «9», turn the card with the image up and put the fragment on the field with the number «9». In this way, the preschooler fills in one fragment of the illustration and then can proceed to the others.