Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity

Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity - Image 2
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity - Image 3
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity - Image 4
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity - Image 5
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity - Image 6
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity - Image 7
Stacking Ring Pyramid Activity - Image 8

Educational printable game Stacking Ring Pyramid for preschoolers is an entertaining children activity that improves hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, attention to details and analytical skills. The task is to place pyramid rings according to a sample given on the flashcard.

Print preschool activity worksheets and cut out game elements and flashcards with samples. Then choose one of the cards and ask a child to place rings on the game board according to a sample given on the card. Pay attention to a color, size, and order of rings.

For a group of children, it can be played as a speed play: the winner is who does the task first.

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What an awesome avtivity!!! One of my favourite...
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