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Animal Habitats Worksheets

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The worksheets «Animal Habitats» are designed to learn with preschoolers about a variety of animals and places they live. The children's task is to match each animal to its habitat.
Print out the worksheets and take a pencil to indicate the answer. Then invite your child to look at the pictures of animals, name them and draw a line connecting an animal with an environment where it lives. Animal habitats are great project ideas for kindergarten lessons or preschool learning at home.
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adorei! muito obrigada!!

Differnt ideas in a different way

Very useful game, thank you

Interesting game, thank you

Very nice activity

Das war nicht so ganz einfach für die Kinder, weil sie nicht alle Tiere kannten oder eben nicht wussten, wo diese leben. Da mussten wir manchmal nach dem Ausschlussprinzip arbeiten. Aber am Ende haben es alle geschafft.

really cute!!

These sheets are ideal for introducing young children to a wide variety of animals and also teaching young children the places where they live.

Interesting activity about different habitats and environments.