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Learn and Sort 2D Geometric Shapes

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This didactic game is for learning simple geometric shapes with preschoolers. The child will learn to associate objects with shapes and sort objects into groups. The activity develops logical and associative thinking and trains fine motor skills.
First, you will need to print out the geometric shapes worksheets with the pictured cupboards and a sheet with a set of objects of different shapes. There is a shape above the cupboard that indicates which items you need to put in the cupboard. On the top shelf of each cabinet there is also a line with the shapes you need to draw along the dotted line.
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Esta é uma ótima atividade para ensinar formas e trabalhar as habilidades motoras finas para crianças

i love it !!!

Me encanta cada actividad para mi hija

Цікава, пізнавальна гра. Складати речі у шафи набагато цікавіше ніж просто сортувати😉

So cool

Гарний сайт для вчителів та діток

Recurso incrível e dinâmico

Activités ludique pour apprendre les formes

çok güzel

Es un material muy util para el desarrollo del niño que se incorpora a la escuela