Worksheet Gifts for Kids

Matching shapes worksheets for kindergarten kids from 3 years old «Gifts for Kids»are about guessing what is in the box. The task will develop logical and abstract thinking.
The task pages are divided into two columns, one showing colorful boxes for gifts, and the other showing toys. The child needs to guess which toy should be packed in which box. The silhouettes on the gifts will help the child in the developmental task. Give the child time for careful examination of the images, and then ask him or her to indicate how the toys should be distributed in the boxes.
Draw the preschooler's attention to the fact that the silhouette and the toy are depicted in different positions. Performing the task is also useful for developing spatial imagination. For children 5-6 years old, cut all the sheets into cards and mix them up, increasing the number of search pairs (a toy and a box).