Autumn and Winter Sorting Worksheet

Autumn and Winter Sorting Worksheet
Autumn and Winter Sorting Worksheet
Autumn and Winter Sorting Worksheet - Image 2
Autumn and Winter Sorting Worksheet - Image 3
Autumn and Winter Sorting Worksheet - Image 4
Autumn and Winter Sorting Worksheet - Image 5

The educational game «Autumn or Winter» is designed to familiarize children with autumn and winter seasons and to develop vocabulary, attention and logical thinking. In the game, children are asked to sort the cards into two groups according to the seasons.

Print out the Seasons Sorting activity sheets and cut out the cards on separate pages. There are 2 seasons and 30 game cards.

Place the two game sheets on the table and shuffle the cards. Then ask the student to pick a card, say what it shows, and think about which group it belongs to: fall or winter. To complete the task, arrange all the cards on the game sheets.

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